We brought it back to
what it should have been.

My clients came to me with a frustration with their 120 year old homes two rooms on their second floor that needed some help. They had hired someone to create a book shelf for his office and it was thin, the color was wrong, the lighting was not hardwired and it looks like it was slapped together by a high school student learning shop for the first time. So they came to me and wanted an elevated space since he was going out on his own and needed a great space to focus and a good background for Zoom calls, because we are in the age where Zoom calls are the norm. They also wanted a retreat for their guests, which the room is currently occupied by their youngest in a crib. For now, it’s a dual purpose space until she’s ready to join her sister in the big girl room. Having clients that say, “I can’t wait to see what you dream up,” is such an honor. This trust is what dream clients are made of.

Fluted and classic.

This custom built in was executed beautifully and I really appreciate the time the contractor took to build mock ups for the doors and worked with me to bring it to life. The angled left side is because of a dormer on the backside of the wall and so we made it a part of the whole thing. It was also important that we stayed true to the classism of the home.

Elegant and tranquil.

For the bedroom, we wanted to have a bit of fun on the ceiling with the gorgeous wallpaper. The walls in this old home were a challenge as it’s curved , has a chimney running through the wall and nothing is at a 90 degree angle. A vintage dresser, some juxtaposition of lighting and a checkered lamp, love the way this turned out and more importantly, the clients are thrilled.


Argyle Renovation


Landmark La Grange